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Dash’s Friends, Canine and Human

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We spend a fair amount of time at the Black Hills State Park dog park which is where most of these pictures were taken.

The below are some of the pups with whom Dash plays.

Dash is a popular dog, everywhere we go, Unfortunately, Dash The Basset is not the happiest dog in crowds. He’s actually fairly timid to anyone who is not inside a dog park! But, inside the dog park? He’s everyone’s friend.

Here’s some fun photos of Dash and his friends, both doggy and human (click any photo to enlarge):

Dash The Basset And His Human Friends

No matter where we go, Dash always seems to draw a crowd. Especially with children, we hear a lot of “Look Mom! It’s a hot dog!” Sadly, Dash would prefer to fade into the background when noticed so we’re doing a lot of acclimation training.

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